Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Shampoo

It's pouring so I thought I'd share a rainy day tale.
Are you aware that Buddy gets along well with his pets? When he was little he put us through some interesting experiences. He was eight years old and our blonde spaniel was one. They tolerated each other until this happened.
Saturday morning it was unusually quiet in the house. Mr.K. and I felt so lucky. We stayed in bed longer to enjoyed this luxury. When it remained quiet we began to wonder. Reluctantly I left the cosy bed to check up on Buddy. As I opened the door to his room I was greeted cheerfully,
"Hi Mom. Look at what I'm doing."
He had a proud grin on his face. My motherly instinct kicked in. Concerned.
My eyes glanced around the room. His bright red carpet had changed colour. Black. Lots of black! 
"What was it?" I wondered. It smelled odd. Then I saw our dog. Our blonde spaniel was now black. Buddy was holding a paint brush and on the floor was a cake of black smelly old paint. Tempera paint.
"Do you like my new doggie? He can't get dirty any more," a voice uttered excitedly. Had I commented on how quickly our puppy got dirty? Hmmmm. I looked around the room.  The pup was rolling on the rug to clean himself. He wasn't impressed with his new coat. We were surprised that Buddy had been able to keep everything so quiet. Now our relaxing morning was redefined. The dog needed a bath and so did Buddy. After that was done we had to shampoo the rug. Both of us toiled for several hours. It was hard work. Our extra rest was quickly depleted yet we remained amused by Buddy's logic and colour choice. And we learned to be leery of very quiet moments Kleinste Motte.


  1. I had to chuckle over this story, not about the mess and clean-up but how Buddy wanted to have a black spaniel!

  2. Too late to sniff out anything out of the ordinary! Kids do have great ideas. I can't imagine my own reaction!

  3. Hi there, many thanks for popping over and am glad you did :) What an interesting story, very logical colour too, but I would have had a heart attack if it actually happened haha..happy week ahead. MK

  4. Good logic on Buddy's part. :) follower.

  5. I am sitting here with a big smile on my face, but I problably would not have been smiling at the black carpet. wonderful memories. years ago, I worked in a day care, a lady came with a little black puppie. i of course had to hold it and go crazy over it. the lady came back 3 days later and said do you want the puppy? no i said, please she said. Billy, the five year old, had painted the puppy's face silver to make it look like a german shepherd and placed it in the dryer to dry it. she rescued it and so did i.

  6. I recall my two daughters got really quiet one afternoon. I walked into their bedroom to find on with a pair of scissors and the other with huge bald spots on her head and clumps of blond hair on the floor.

    They say children are better seen than heard... NOT true!

  7. This is a cure story, although I'm sure the cleanup wasn't fun. We always became very suspicious if things were too quiet when our children were little.
