Tuesday, May 6, 2014


It was this day, May 6, 1994 that the famous tunnel between England and France was opened by the Queen and the French President Mitterrand. The Eurostar bullet train goes some 40 metres (12')under the sea bed and connects the two cities faster. 
On Thursday we head to London where my daughter now lives. Since her workplace has made her work week extra busy for her, we opted to takes a little side trip. Paris it had to be. Hubby loves train rides and I love Paris and it's spring time. For us it was an natural add on. Buddy loves everything and he's very excited especially about the bullet part of the train ride.
Next Tuesday we leave London and make our way through that famous 'chunnel' that I once travelled through with my older daughter in 1997 on our mother daughter trip to my birthplace. Back then I was younger, braver and able to take on foreign roads. From Paris we drove a little rental Peugeot through Brussels to my aunt's in Hannover, Germany. Me driving can't happen any more. My vision won't do unfamiliar areas very well nor would I cope well in the increased rush of traffic these days. Hubby likely could but I would be a lousy guide and he does need one. I prefer to sit in the back seat when he drives and let Buddy be his companion. I am less of a backseat driver from the back. LOL.
We are looking forward to our new adventure. We just had to share what's happening since it's been ages since the two of us have blogged. In case you aren't aware, I've made Buddy a part to the process. We discuss what's fun to share. He also gets to read your comments and loves some of the amazing things you post.
I shall take my Rebel and see what I can find to snap. Buddy will have his iPhone. He's quite the photographer. Let's see what can we discover. We'll share some things when we are back (or even on route).  
Au revoir.