Monday, May 30, 2011


With the patch off and three types off drops four times a day, my eye is getting much better. It has improved my ability to see. Clearly!! Perception?
The patch appeared on the left side of my face in the previous post. That photo was taken from my web cam on my laptop. There is no flipping of that photo so it allows it to appear as if my right eye is patched. Cameras and mirrors are tricky things. We must be careful not to be fooled.
For the record it was my left eye that had surgery. In the image below it is the eye on your right that is improving. I took this self portrait using my iphone camera flipping the camera (phone) first. This gives the correct image.
Thanks for being patient with me as I resume blogging. I now read a few blogs and am able to comment too but I must proceed with caution so that I do not strain the eye.

Today there's an unplanned visit to the dentist. Seems my temporary caps were too temporary. I swallowed one with my lunch yesterday and caught the other one just in time before eating dinner.  LOL. The temps are part of a denture set up for the lower teeth. The process should be completed by July. New vision and new teeth all in time for my 65th birthday!
Ah yes I am keeping those professionals who work with seniors very busy. They seem to like the business. They are always friendly to me.

P.S. Happy Memorial Day to my friends in the USA.


  1. I am very happy to hear that you have some improvement. I, too, had a tooth incident. We seem to run in sync. I was eating and chopped on a piece of my tooth. It is always delightful to have that happen. LOL!

    Anyway, I am sooooo happy that you are seeing clearer.

    I was thinking of you. We purchased a bird bath today. First one ever, and I was hoping to attract some interesting birds.

    Hopefully, I will have some pics for you.

    BTW, you look beautiful!

  2. It is coming along well, the eye part I mean. But isn't it awful when the teeth begin to fall apart? It happens to us all, usually just in time for the holidays.

    Nice picture!

  3. Wonderful to hear the surgery went well and that you are recovering nicely. I do agree that you should take care not to strain yourself while you are healing. I'm sorry to hear your swallowed your caps. I hope that will be the last time you dine on them! lol

  4. glad the one you swallowed was only temporary. i tried not to laugh but had to, it is funny and not funny. OH MY. you will be a new person for 65, i am quickly approaching 67 in Sept. got you beat on the age thing and also have never swallowed a tooth. ha ha

  5. I am glad that you are feeling better and it seems the eye is responding to the surgery. Seems that perhaps it was worth the risk!
    And as for having one's own bedroom...sounds wonderful to me. Sometimes I slip off to the guest room for some peace and quiet!

  6. I hope you had a nice Memorial Day and glad your eye is getting back.
