Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Mess

There are lots of unusual strange clouds this April.
First came the ash clouds over Europe messing up air traffic.
Then there were the sand clouds in China making breathing a mess.
Now there's a huge smoke cloud in the Gulf of Mexico.
This one is most ugly and creating so much destruction!
The loss of life is immeasurable!
Oil well technology is limited when pumping within seawater.
Wells in the ocean?? Seems that safety was ignored!
A giant leak has poisoned any faith in this industry.
What a catastrophic mess Kleinste Motte.
PS.  It's June and the oil is still messing up the sea!
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1 comment:

  1. Oh---I could just cry thinking about all of the water birds and fish ---who will suffer and probably die due to that oil spill. It's just so sad... How could this happen ---and why can't they fix it???? SOSOSOOSOSOSO sad---and it makes me MAD.

