Friday, October 15, 2010


      Common Chicory            Blue Cornflower  

This is a wild flower I have loved from the time my mother, Marianne, pointed it out to me and I was able to remember it. It has become symbolic for me. It is fused in my mind with fond memories of my mom. Her life was not an easy  one. I shall write more about her but not today. I am feeling too blue.
The sadness comes from not understanding the forces stacked up against my ways. My brand new (less than one week old) MacBook Pro is showing me that I have untrusted keychain certificates. How can that be? A cable ethernet IP address is telling me that I'm logged into a 'bot' net with some BELLNEXIA-11 thing. But I'm not using any ethernet connection!! And these are not a new events for me. I have struggled with this and ID issues for a long time.
As I type this an eery silence falls over my home. All the fans stop. Everything seems to be on alert. Is it because I'm her daughter? Or? His wife? Taxman hubby. My keyboard just relit itself. It had gone off. It liked the word 'wife'. LOL! 
There's a story waiting to be told. Alerts are everywhere and I'm not referring to the calendar kind but some 'ESP' ones. I sense them. I wish I understood them. I think I hear them. I imagine I see them but do I?  Do others? Spirits pushing alerts? Is Marianne involved? How wacky will it get? Spooky October!


  1. I have no idea what is going on with your MacBook. I do hope you can sort it out. But I do love the flower.

  2. This is a beautiful flower and more importantly, it is a beautiful memory for you associated with your mother. Good luck with your computer issues.

  3. I am no help, sorry. i have only a windows 7 desk top computer, no cell phone, no I phone, no mac anything.

  4. I do hope to hear more about your mom someday soon, but until you get your computer problems figured out, it's not the first priority. I love the blue flower and blue words.

  5. Hi Heidi, Hope you can get your computer problems worked out. We are "Mac" people ---but we can't help you with those security problems or cable ethernet problems.

    Your post reminded me of all of the 'alerts' in life which come our way... My hubby's and my latest 'alert' was a doctor's appointment on our calendar for our physicals. That alert had been on our calendar for 6 months... We finally had those physicals yesterday and praise God for good results for both of us...

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Heidi,
    Mothers on the brain. I had the most delightfully wonderful dream/think about my mother two weeks ago. I don't know if I were dreaming or thinking or both. It was fantastic.

    Keychains on the MAC are horrendous. I always say no, no, no to them. Did you hook something in without realizing it?
