Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thinking Day

   February 22, I remember it as Thinking Day and Lord Baden-Powell Day. I was a Girl Guide from the age of 12 and remained a member until the end of my teenage years. My brother followed and became a Scout. And then little sister joined Brownies. We took being a member very seriously, striving to reach the highest levels. Check out our chords. But the awards in the background belong to a Scout troop.
We wore our uniform proudly on this day.

Today I post this in honour of a world movement that inspired many youths.


  1. I remember having fun as a Brownie and Girl Scout up until junior high and then it seems there were no longer any troops. I can't remember why not though, but it was fun while it lasted.

  2. THINKING DAY!! We could NEVER have a day like that in the USA, the ministers and politicians wouldn't stand for it.

  3. I never lived where Girl Scouts was an option but I always wished they were.
    You looked so smart in your uniform.
    Hum, now I am in the mood for some of their cookies. No one does it better.

  4. I was a Brownie, too. And a Girl Scout for a short while before we moved away. I loved the uniforms the best! You do look good in yours. Thanks for the wonderful memories.

  5. Oh, yes, I remember that day! Thank you for the reminder!

  6. I always wanted to be a Brownie and a Guide but I never got the chance. Glad you enjoyed the experience.

  7. Dear Kleinste Motte,
    That picture took me back to when I was a Girl Scout.
    I enjoyed it but the scout leader ultimately asked me to leave the group because I was so recalcitrant about learning to sew and crochet. But oh, did I like the idea of badges and uniform!


  8. @Robert, I bet you if more Americans actually put their thinking caps on, we could get rid of some of those politicians/ministers/and combo of the two and actually get something accomplished.

    @Heidi, I recently heard the Girl Scouts where coming under attack for something. I forget what it was now, but I thought Oh my! not them too.

    2/22 is George Washington's birthday in the USA, but now we just celebrate President's day and lump them all together.

  9. I absolutely loved being a Brownie and Cub leader when my children were involved in the Scouting movement.

    What a great place for children to learn values, respect and have fun at the same time.
    Great post!

  10. Scouts were not a part of my childhood. Those I have known who have been involoved with scouting say they have only benifited from the experience. Good post.
