Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Plans galore

   My daughter's wedding day has been set for October 29, 2011. Those of you whose children have married know what lies ahead. I'm just learning. Yesterday we went to see a lovely place called Sunnybrook Estates for the reception venue. The location is gorgeous and we were lucky to be able to get the nicest hall, actually the entire main floor, at a special price since someone has an afternoon function until 5 and we do not need the place till 7 that evening. Sitting there with my daughter while listening to all the options of place settings, meal and beverage choices, photographers, DJs, etc. I began to have a twinge of "how will I cope?"
   With the paper work in our hands to be reviewed by the man who holds the purse strings before the contract is signed and with so little time, all things will need to be worked out very fast. From the Estates we headed for Bayview Mall, a rather high end group of shops where my daughter picked out a lovely pair of fall boots to wear right away since the fall weather has arrived and it was cool and rainy. We also stopped for a late lunch that included a shared custard slice for extra sugar!
  Next we searched around for floral inspirations and came up with a lovely non conventional centre piece idea, a small arrangement of plants potted that guests could take home after the event. Cut flowers have such a short life. This seems to be a more green solution.
   Tired we came home for a short rest. Next was to be the trip to the jewellers to order the groom's ring. During my rest period I heard my two girls talking. Good news. I would not have to go out again. They were going together and by 9 pm they walked in beaming. The ring would be ready for pick up on October 15. While they were gone, I was on the phone calling various family members across N.A. to see who would be coming so I could prebook hotel space for them.
   Did I forget to mention that my SUV decided to have a fit? It wouldn't start in the morning. CAA came to the rescue. They did a test that determined an electrical issue was causing some short, hence the loss of battery power. A service appointment was promptly booked.
   For today the hope is to try to get the van started without a boost, go for pre colonoscopy blood work at the hospital, drop the van off at the service centre, rent a car and shop for a wedding outfit for the bride and brides' maids. Hectic times are here. I woke up at 4:15 am and decided I had time to read a few blogs and write this since I am wide awake. Normally I sleep until about 7 am but I guess my over active brain will keep me up more in the coming weeks. Still I'm so happy that I am here to be a part of it all. I often wondered if I would get this chance of a lifetime and now it's here.


  1. I enjoyed reading all the plans for the wedding and I can see why you were tired. I have been involved in wedding plans but alas it was not mine. We got married by the Justice of the Peace and my sister and husband treated us to a wonderful supper. Thanks for coming by and have a nice week.

  2. Wow! You do have a lot going on in your life and, as you said, very little time to plan your daughter's wedding. Some brides start months in advance! Your plans seem to be coming together very nicely thus far and I do hope things continue in this vein. Neither my son nor daughter is married yet, so this still lies ahead of us. Good luck!

  3. Luckily I only had to mess with one wedding and she did most of the work. I think I have blanked most of it out, ha ha - 2 of the boys got married far away (on of which was on the sly) I did attend another son's wedding and her Mom had all the grief. I have one son to marry and he told he he doesn't plan on it.

    From the sounds of it, I guess I lucked out! Try not to stress too much and enjoy this once in a lifetime blast!

  4. Plans for a wedding Kleinstemotte, can be exhausting but the means are the only way to a wondrous ending on the day.

    I've only done it once, or should I say twice, once for me and once for my oldest daughter.

    Good luck with what ever else lies ahead. It's not so far till 29 October.

  5. Colonoscopies and weddings! What a busy time, but I much prefer the wedding planning. How exciting a time this is for you, I look forward to hearing all about it (the wedding, of course). Hugs and smiles all around!

  6. Oh my gosh, you have just a bit over a month to get a wedding off the ground! I would be in a perpetual state of panic! You sound very calm, so I suppose it's a good thing you're the mother of the bride!!

    Thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts on my recent posts. I enjoy reading them, and I'm having fun reading both of your blogs.

    May you have an abundance of energy and stamina in the weeks ahead!

  7. Congratulations. so much to do. I hope you have lots of fun doing it :-)

  8. My son lives in Southern California. When he was married last year they had a HELL of a time finding an affordable place to get married. There are not many non-church venues and they get booked. You would think in an area housing millions of people there would be more choices!? They finally picked a place that was over two hours from their home. It's what they could book and afford.

  9. OOps! I am the only naysayer in the bunch. I would rather have a colonoscopy than plan a wedding. I eloped to avoid the hulabaloo, but had a great celebration with my family later.

    Heidi, did you mean October 2011 or 2012?
    I can't believe things are available on such short notice.

    Don't overtire yourself. It can get exhausting.

  10. I certainly couldn't keep up with you. And with the wedding less than a month away...well, I think I would hide somewhere.

  11. Enjoy this wonderful happy time! I so enjoyed your post about getting ready for your daughter's big day. One day soon I hope I shall be doing the same, planning for my daughter's wedding! Her plans sound amazing and I especially liked the idea of potted plants for the guests to take home. Hopefully we will see photos later on...take care.
