Friday, July 29, 2011

Her Big Day

July 23rd was her 90th birthday and she was so very happy to have her two nieces from Canada there at her side. We were just as happy. It was a grand Saturday. The morning began with our chance to give her a token for the occasion. She's opening it.
There were lots of flowers, cards and champagne too!  
At three in the afternoon she had a formal coffee and cake party in a party room. Her closest friends and a few relatives were her invited guests. For two hours we ate, chatted and listed to some hilarious presentations. I was glad and proud to be there.


  1. What a wonderful Birthday for her! Glad you could be there!

    Thanks for finding me!

  2. She look simply fabulous! And to have your family with you, it's wonderful. thanks for sharing your lovely aunt!

  3. How wonderful! She looks very happy too!

  4. How nice! She looks so happy. Your celebration reminds me of the ones my mother used to talk about when she was a child in Holland.

    3:00 in the afternoon family and friends were invited for cake and tea or coffee, gifts, chatter and celebration. And there were always flowers! I like that custom.

  5. Gatherings like this are so special for her. I'm sure she will be talking about it for weeks to come.

  6. It sounds like a lovely celebration for a lovely lady. I'm so happy to know you all enjoyed yourselves so much.

  7. How wonderful you got to celebrate your Aunts, 90th. Birthday. she looks marvelous. Have a safe trip back home. Happy belated birthday to your aunt.

  8. Sounds like a marvelous time and she ;looks great for 90 years old. Have a safe trip home.
