Wednesday, June 15, 2016


  On Saturday I flew across the Atlantic by myself. I was a bit nervous but the journey was quiet pleasant. Sleep was hard to get as the staff waited 90 minutes just to serve us a snack before dimming the lights for the night flight. Two hours later they started serving a warm breakfast and then we waited another 90 minutes till the landing at Gatwick in UK. 
  My daughter and SIL were there to greet me and take me to their home. I booked this trip to be around for the big event in both their lives and mine, a first baby and my firdt grandchild. The day was full of moments of sleepiness went on for the next two days. Today is the first time that I woke up at a reasonable local time.
  As we wait for baby to come we occupy our days chatting and doing a few chores. Today we are having a flat tire repaired. Perhaps we'll shop a bit and then prepare a meal or something. We just wait and wait as the wee one is due at any time.
  I must say I find my daughter's place of residence much cooler than my home where we tend to use cenral heating more lavishly. Here the heat has been off most of the spring even though outdoors it never rises above 17C. For me that's a bit too chilly so I dress in my sweaters and other woolies. I truly am acting like an old granny.
  From here I try to keep in touch with Buddy using FaceTime and he who reminds me regularly that I am to come back. I must not stay away forever. Sweet guy.
Before leaving my home I managed to find us a new rental house for our end of July move and I had much of our old junk removed. The movers are also booked to pack and unpack.
  Let's hope it all works out well.
  I miss blogging but life gets in the way and we must prioritize.
  I also just bought an iPad Pro and it helps me see better to type and read blogs. So once again I shall try to pass by your posts.


  1. It's so nice to 'see' you again! Congratulations on the first grandchild! I hope your (and her) wait isn't too long.

  2. Hallo liebe Heidrun,
    danke für deinen Kommentar bei mir.
    du bist also im Moment in England und wartest auf dein 1. Enkelkind. Wie wunderschön!!! Wir haben etwas gemeinsam: ich werde im August zum ersten Mal Oma und auch wir warten sehr gespannt auf die Geburt.
    Wo bist du in England? Ich bin ab nächste Woche Donnerstag 23.Juni bis Samstag 2. Juli in England. Ich besuche meine Freundin in Oxford.Wenn du zufällig irgendwo in der Nähe sein solltest, könnten wir uns doch mal treffen. Meine Freundin würde mich sicherlich fahren. Hättest du Lust?
    Ganz liebe Grüße,

  3. Wonderful! When you said you had traveled alone, I immediately hoped Buddy is all right. Thanks for putting me straight about that. And glad you know you got a new iPad Pro! I've been wanting one of those myself. :-)

  4. I know you are beyond excited waiting on that first grandchild.. glad you can be there and i would be freezing to... we are in heat wave in the USA record breaking heat.. i know Buddy misses you.

  5. Congratulations Heidi on your first upcoming grandchild! It was so nice to hear from you on my blog today. It has been awhile and I'd lost touch with you. I have read a few of your posts here and see you've been having eye problems (I do remember that now) and I'm glad you have an iPad where you can control the size of fonts.

    Did you ever look up the people you mentioned who helped you in Saudi Arabia? How did things go with that?

    You look so beautiful dressed for the Valentine's gala. The dress really suited you and I'm sure you had loads of fun. It sounds like Buddy is really missing you but when you get home you will have a big move. I hope all goes well with that. Hugs. xx

  6. I sincerely hope that all goes well for mum and baby and grandma. And Buddy too, of course.

    And the house move. Golly, you are busy.
