Thursday, June 23, 2016


My time in the UK has put me here to witness the arrival of the grandchild and it is taking it's time. Today I get to be smack in the middle of a national referendum on leaving the EU. Brexit voting is today. My hope is that wisdom will prevail for it is far better in this new global world economy and structuring of nations to be part of a larger group. Smaller portions of nations have historically been run agroud over the centuries. It would be sad if UK put itself into jeopardy now. Nations need to be more united and solve bigger issues as a whole unit. As world populations rise so will the struggle for water and food. One has to face facts. If I could vote I would choose no without hesitation.
We'll see soon enough what the locals will decide.
P.S. Buddy and I chat via Facetime daily and he also likes the status quo concept.


  1. You make some important points here. I've seen a little bit of the reasons for leaving and your post makes a sensible point for staying. I have no idea what they should do, but I think the British people may surprise us! I haven't checked the news this morning or yesterday, so I have no idea how it turned out. Hope you enjoy your trip either way.

  2. Thanks! I found you via, via and love to read some writings here.

  3. we saw this on CNN this morning, we are hoping they stay in the EU.. we have bigger problem than that here and what happens here effects UK as what happens there effects us...

  4. My New York Times economics guru certainly agrees with you, and so do I. While "yes" and "no" both have their issues, exiting the EU would be a big mistake.

  5. Hello Heidi, Facebook is great to find lost family and friends and for keeping in touch!

  6. My opinion doesn't count, but I agree with you about leaving the EU.

    No Babe yet? What is she waiting for?

  7. I'm commenting after Brexit actually happened. I sure wish it had been different, but the world changed overnight. World stock markets have plunged. :-(
