Monday, May 14, 2012


   The past week I had to have several tests for I have been experiencing pains around my left shoulder blade. X-rays, ultra sounds, blood work. You know how it goes. Well the phone rang this morning. The doctor's nurse called to inform me that gall stones had shown up on the tests. Odd result considering the location of the pain.
   So far I still don't have an answer to the pain I sought help for but I have a new condition that has not given me any recognizable discomfort. But it will need some attention. Apparently the 'stones' are formed by cholesterol remaining in ducts. I have found out one can actually address the problem by doing a cleanse. Since the stones are apparently quite small the risk of anything serious is not huge yet. The cleanse involves a fast and some olive oil with lemon juice to drink  to flush out the stones (that really are not stones). You can find all sorts of information from many health sites about how they develop. 
   If I start the cleanse routine I've selected tomorrow, I should have the stones out of me by the weekend. After that I shall adjust my eating habits to include more lecithin for it was found to help keep the situation with the cholesterol better under control. Of course there are other factors too, most of them I've been doing but it seems my body just has it's own ways. Also  I shall remember is to eat more apples. This past winter I somehow neglected that fabulous natural healer that helps soften stones.
   My biggest hurdle in wanting to carry out the cleanse will be my ability to swallow the rather gooie large amount of olive oil because to date even very small amounts make me gag. I read that one person blended the oil with the juice and added a bit of grape juice and honey to make it palatable. There's also a recommendation that peppermint may be of aid to avoid gagging. Problem is I gag on it too! Will I have the fortitude to succeed?


  1. Hope you can get rid of them with your cleanse. I was misdiagnosed with gall stones(they thought I had ulcers) for 10 years and by the time they found the problem, the surgeon said I looked like I had been shot with a shot gun.
    Hope your methods work. They were unknown when I had mine.

  2. i am starting to gag just reading about this. good luck with the swallow thing, not sure i could do that.

  3. Good luck with the cleanse. And you're right: it seems odd that gall stones would cause shoulder pain. Anyway, I'm hoping that it all turns out all right and you manage to get it all down. :-)

  4. This is quite interesting. You will have to let us know about the cleanse. I hope it works for you.

  5. Dear Heidi, . . . your postings here in the past have shown you to be a woman of great fortitude. I have ever confidence that you'll be able to swallow the formula and get rid of those stones.


  6. Hmmm....from that description I think the cure might be worse than the disease. As they say if you swallow a frog, don't look at it to long. Good Luck! I hope your better soon!

  7. oh not gall stones.
    Heidi, once again our lives cross. My younger sister, poor thing is pregnant and had a gall bladder attack. She has to change her diet drastically, and after she has the baby she has to have her GB removed.

    Good luck with yours.

  8. How did it go? Did you have to have it removed?
