Thursday, March 22, 2012


  Buddy is enjoying the gorgeous summer like temperatures (and most unusual) that are presently in our area. The poor lad deserves a break. After trips to the family doctor, ER and the ear specialist we learn what is really going on.
  It all began a month ago with what appeared to be a middle ear infection that apparently broke the ear drum. Several trips to the GP and one to the ER, we met up with an ENT and we learned that was not the case.
  What he actually has is cholesteatoma which is a type of cyst that develops in the middle ear and may cause oozing from the ear when an infection occurs. Once the bacterial infection is under control, the next step will be to determine the method needed to remove the growth before it causes further damage. After an MRI, surgery is the only option.
  I was told by a dermatologist that all the skin growth that happens on the outside of a person with psoriasis also happens to internal tissues. Seems to me this is to be the first indicator that it's doing just that. Though what's most puzzling about this ear event is it's timing. It became an issue while his external skin cell growth was in a remission that was bringing a smile to Buddy's face. He loved watching himself and rejoiced as his cleared up skin was appearing all over himself. When over 80% of your body is full of plaque and it drops away revealing the skin beneath it, that has an impact that I can only imagine! Alas those episodes never last more than three months. As of yesterday that lull is struggling. His arms and legs have flared up again. We are applying creams in hope of keeping this under control as long as it will allow us to. We do what we can every day. Each day is a new challenge.
   But what's more frustrating is that in the past few days the ear drops seemed to be causing some sort of allergic type reaction but we weren't sure. Today that became most clear. It made his face and eyes red and itchy about one hour after his dose. For now he must take an Allerdryl and a cortisone tablet to become comfortable. Immediately the drops will be stopped and taken off his this list of safe drugs(topical ciprofloxacin antibiotic)to be allowed. Apparently other forms of that antibiotic are reported as causing some serious side effects to some folks so I am not surprised that the drops are disagreeing with him.
  Still Buddy is very happy that the Florida like weather has come to him. WHY? He'd love to go to Florida. He's waiting to go.
  For over two years now we keep hoping to travel to Florida but we are stalled by unexpected  issues, mostly health ones; my eyes, hubby's heart and now Buddy's ear. We pray that the fall season will give us the break to make that getaway. HOPE keeps us all moving ahead. FAITH has us believing it will happen. Buddy will get better and his wish will be fulfilled.

P.S. Buddy monitors the daily and weekly weather reports with great intent, listening to hear that winter is gone. Once he loved those wintery days and he would toboggan, skate and ski. But no more. He claims he's grown too old, pointing to some white hairs on his whiskers and sideburns as he grins. Gotta love his humour!


  1. It must be really frustrating for Buddy to have to deal wit this. It doesn't sound like a very good area of the body to have surgery. Hope it clears up.

  2. I too hope it clears up. It's so difficult when these things happen with no idea how to fix them. Sometimes, as you point out, the fix isn't one after all. Sending you all healing vibes. And hugs.

  3. Is Buddy going to have the cyst in his ear removed? Sounds touchy.

    Too bad you can't make it to Florida right now, such a disappointment that stuff happens.

    With the weather so nice, can't you have a "Florida" day? Do a couple of things that you might if you were there. I hate to see him unhappy.

  4. Poor Buddy, and yet another thing we have in common. My daughter had the very same thing in her ear. She walked around with it for several years b/c the one surgeon told us we could treat it and surgery was an option. Surgery was not an option, and after several years with this thing in her inner, we finally had surgery on it. It was on March 7th of 2011. The worse year of my life. My husband and I were so worried b/c she did not react well to the anathesia (sp?). She was in surgery for 3 1/2 hours and in recovery for over 2. It was a long grueling day.

    Good luck to Buddy. Keep me abreast of his progress.

  5. My goodness, he is having a hard time catching a break.
    He is in my prayers for a solid recovery and hope he keeps his humor while healing.

  6. I feel for Buddy. Health issues are never fun. I'm so glad he is enjoying a break in the weather. If you were here I'm afraid the weather is still "wintery". I hope you all get to Florida in the Fall.

  7. It sounds so dreadful for Buddy and you, but it's a good thing he has that sense of humour.

    Skin ailments and ear aches to me are among the worst of the worst when it comes to life's bodily trials.

    I hope you all get to Florida one day.

  8. so sorry to hear this. i have not heard of this cyst before. poor buddy, he gets one thing under control and another comes up. just not fair. i am happy for him he can sit in the sun, i know how bad he want to come down here.

  9. Got to love Buddy's humor and Buddy himself. He is so courageous amidst these physical problems.

    I do hope that your family gets to Florida. Some things on our "bucket lists" mean more than others. And Florida sounds like an important one to your son.


  10. So sorry to learn of Buddy's health issue. I certainly admire his courage. I hope everyone is feeling better and that trip to Florida comes soon!

  11. Oh, poor Buddy. I'm glad he got to enjoy the good weather and I hope he feels better soon.
