Thursday, March 10, 2022

Burning Questions

The title I used is the title of Margaret Atwood’s lastest book released and I have the audio version now that I must use that way to enjoy text. I am so impressed with this work and for the first time in my life I have a very fond appreciation of this contemporary Canadian author. Her vision of our world and our lives on it is very much to the point. She has done much to alert us all that the way we live is not going to work into the future. I concur .

I am posting this as I know many of you are very well read bloggers and know our globe has environmental issues along with much more of course and you may like her short essays and words as they really are remarkably well stated. If you get a chance to read some of it do let me know your thoughts.

Buddy and hubby continue to keep well as we plod along in our senior years. In fact Buddy is very helpful in assisting us. He is my rock. God bless him.


  1. Hope all continues to be everything positive for you.

    Safe travels to the Caribbean.

  2. Thanks for the tip and I will check it out. So glad Buddy is such a help to you.

  3. I feel very blessed to have received some nice comments from you, as well as seeing this post. You continue to be one of my favorite bloggers, and I will find and download that book from Margaret Atwood. I have always appreciated her take on life. And yours, Heidrun. Thank you! :-)

  4. Dear Heidrun, thanks for suggesting Atwood's book. I've never really read her because I had the impression that her novels were so dark. But I'll get my name on for this at the library.

    A book I'd recommend to you is "The Beauty of Dusk." For you and for myself and our vision concerns, that book is a revelation. It's read by the author--Frank Bruni. I got it from the library and listen for about 1/2 hour each day. It so speaks to me. Peace. And all the best to Buddy--your rock.

    1. Dee, thanks for the recommendation. I have macular degeneration and will look into getting the book.

  5. I agree with Dee. I haven't read Atwood's books for the same reason. I did begin one book but felt it was too dark. My mother, however, devoured her books. I will check Burning Questions out. I am intrigued.

    So pleased your dear Buddy is your rock. It's not fun getting older, but I always think of this Irish Proverb: "Growing old is a privilege afforded to few."
    Big hugs. Stay well and happy.

  6. It is so good to find a good read. The future is a bit bleak.
