Monday, July 29, 2019

Tougher Skins

   Our family has enjoyed eating all sorts of produce since before my time and the fruits in summer were plentiful. I recall sweet aromatic strawberries and raspberries both of which had a short shelf life and were consumed quickly. Lately I have noticed that in the last 5 years there are big changes in all produce so that their shelf life is longer. How? 
    Strawberries and raspberries seem to have been created to be more tough in texture both to the sense of touch and in my mouth. They no longer just melt. They need more proper chewing. And this summer the cherries coming from the USA were more hard than ever. What is happening?
    It appears that all our food is being changed in labs to create versions that are better for our huge food retailers who now transport most foods far distances and to huge stores where they need to look good and fresh in clear plastic packaging, ugh. And so they do last longer. But what health costs are going to be our issues in the future?
    Where are reports on studies that our guts are okay with changes to nature’s original foods that we adapted to over centuries? I find it scary that everything being sold to us these days has only big profit in mind. It stared with grains and has now hit all produce in some form in most nations since we now have a global food trade. 
    I live in Ontario Canada where food is grown locally but very little ever appears in the big stores. About 80 percent comes from China, some from USA and then Central and South America. We are literally at the mercy of our three huge food chains here. Sure there are a few small shops offering locally grown produce yet they also have to buy their seeds from big wholesellers and we know seeds have been claimed and altered in different ways. Have you noticed all the seedless fruits now? How do seeds get to market?
   Eating seeds can actually be healthy. Try finding grapes with seeds or watermelons. If you want to eat those seeds you now have to buy them separately.
   Along with tougher skins  on so many items the worst part of the produce on shelves now is more wax coating to improve added shelf life as well as good looks. Tomatoes and apples bother me the most. Sadly it is not the natural beeswax used but a petroleum based wax that is now used (even on some dairy cheeses).  While  all is for long shelf life  what will it do to all other forms of life not just our own? We are part of the food chain. Our bodies are full of millions of bacteria and possibly other tiny creatures we may have managed to ingest.
Will there be some changes to them? We already blame antibiotics for super bugs but is that fair? Could there be more happening? 
I wonder.
Can you list a food that you believe has remained unchanged?

P.S. I am not able to comment on some of my dear friend’s posts thanks to Google constantly making. Some work while others do not. I have tried to make changes in comment settings but with only minor successes.